Saturday, October 11, 2008

... Seriously?

God, I can't even express how time is flying out here. I've been running around the past two weeks trying to cover everything, and I think I'm somewhat in control now.

John Lefler got into town last week, so the Lefler boys and what girlfriends they had went out to dinner one evening with me. It was nice, since they're all treating me like a little brother of sorts, which means I get all the guff that John and Kevin could never really legitimately give Billy.

Last weekend wasn't much, except that I went to North Hollywood to see Mikayla in a show out there. Mikayla graduated from W&M my freshman year, and I was glad to find out she was living in LA as well. The show went well, it was cute and amusing, and I met the director and a bunch of the actors afterwards.

Thursday I had my second interview with Pinkberry, which is a fancy, corporate kind of frozen yogurt place, which is kind of degrading but everybody there is relaxed and down to earth, and they offered me the job so I'm starting Monday. Now comes the fun of finding an apartment! Thursday night I went out to the cafe where Sam is a manager, as they were having a wine tasting and some live music. It was good to catch up with him again and talk to some of his friends and coworkers.

Last night I went with Billy, Kevin, both Lindseys, and Billy's friend Craig to the concert at the Staples Center. The Cab opened and did alright, I'd never heard of them before. We hung out backstage in the Dashboard dressing room the whole time the Plain White T's were onstage. Dashboard did a good set, the people seemed to enjoy it, and we went backstage when Panic went on. At one point before Kevin and his Lindsey arrived, Craig and Lindsey Ray went to the bathroom, leaving Billy and I standing and talking.

"Billy," I said. "Since I came out here, you've been like my best friend." He was quiet for a moment.

"That's really sad, dude," he said, quickly adding "I mean, I'm flattered, though. You just need friends who don't work all the time." It was a special moment.

When we went backstage, I split my time talking to John's friend Jessica and her family, and this guy Ed, whose relationship to anyone is beyond me. Jess, who is better known as "Beefer" for whatever reason, was good people and her father, brother, and brother's girlfriend were as well. We talked a lot about stunts, which was fun because I like looking like I know what I'm talking about.

I grabbed a seat when one opened up, and somehow got into a conversation with Ed. Ed does advertising, which he says he hates, though I don't remember him saying what he enjoys besides older women. By the time Billy was ready to leave, Ed wanted to give me a call sometime, though I doubt he was in any state to recognize the name in his address book when he woke up this morning.

So now it's just apartment hunting, trying to find something marginally affordable in Venice or Santa Monica. I've gotten in touch with a few places over craigslist, but nothing's really come back so far. I keep looking for an apartment building with a fitness room, because gym memberships out here are extremely expensive and when I folded my arms last night, I felt an unsettling amount of give in my biceps.

Yeah, that's right, I just wrote, in all seriousness, the previous sentence. Comma abuse ahoy.

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