Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I really can't believe I'm entertaining this idea

I was on craigslist last night, looking up places that needed bartenders, when I stumbled upon a listing for Stonehenge Golf and Country Club. I figured they needed cooks, but for old time's sake I clicked on it anyway. Part time bartender needed, call Brendan or Kim. Awesome.

I told John the New Guy that the only way they could persuade me to work there again would be to offer me $15 an hour plus a bigger tipshare and an hour a week with the bev-cart girl of my choice, but since I only have four weeks left that I'm capable of working, and basically no Saturdays since I have so many people to see when they're not working, I wouldn't get a lot of quality time in if I reneged. Christ, that was a long sentence.

My thought process is going like this: it was a shitty job, but it was an easy shitty job. It's close to home, they already know me, and at this point I need something, anything to do as long as I'm in town. If I can get 25 hours a week there, it'll be extra padding for going out west. Ugggghh I can't believe I'm seriously thinking about this.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The magic of unemployment

I'm having a bitch of a time getting insurance, and whatever the issues with my credit are I hope they get resolved soon (read: when I'm not running around like a chicken with its head cut off). I slept til almost noon today, which was an incredible change of pace from 6 am. Took care of a little bit around the house, and went downtown to start the application process again.

I hit up Toad's Place, Lucky Buddha's, and Sine, but we'll see what I hear back. I'll probably spread the word a little more in the coming week, should nothing come back soon from those places. Sine didn't seem like it'd be a good bet, the bar manager said they were full up. I managed to make one of the waitresses break a glass at Toad's Place, so here's hoping they won't hold that against me. Buddha's actually looked like it might be a good bet. The bar's round and hollow, if that makes sense, so everything is below the actual drinking platform. It looked crowded from where I was sitting.

I'm heading out to Old Dominion tomorrow to be in an AIDS awareness video. I should probably, yknow, look at my monologue a bit before I start driving, but that's for chumps and suckers. I'll probably just up the font size by a dozen points and print it out, memorizing it on the way. I mean, it's a two hour drive, what else am I gonna have to do?

Monday, June 9, 2008

I've never really had a desk job before

So I quit my temp job today. I'm gonna go in tomorrow because my supervisor's in a meeting all day and needs somebody to keep things on an even keel while she's busy, but it will be my third and last day as a Remedy associate. It got me thinking about my other jobs, and how very different they were from this one. Let's look back, shall we?

First job: Umpiring. Occasionally there'd be a 9 am game, which wasn't so bad because the sun wasn't hot yet, and I live just down the street from the fields. Not long hours, cute girls watching games, and a pretty comfortable uniform. Pretty solid first job.

Then Laserquest, mostly working after school or in the evenings, which was fine. I moved around a lot, watching the kids play, fixing shit, and cleaning up. It was good not staying still long.

The closest I'd probably gotten to a real office job before this one was working at the office, and then it was two miles from home and Sam and Lynelle were there to keep it interesting.

Maybe I wasn't moving around much, but modeling kept me well occupied.

Bartending at Stonehenge was actually pretty lax, because nobody gave a shit about anything. I could drink on the job, bullshit with John the New Guy, and watch the bar TV. Eventually, when I knew I was going to quit soon, I started to be a smart-ass with the members, which was fun.

And now this temp shit, sitting behind a desk for eight hours a day, getting up at 6 am to sit in a non-air-conditioned-air-conditioning-company's office. I couldn't have gotten out of there fast enough. I feel like I was built specifically to act, bartend, and make fairly safe things look incredibly dangerous. Hell yes? Hell yes, dear readers. Hell yes.