Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I really can't believe I'm entertaining this idea

I was on craigslist last night, looking up places that needed bartenders, when I stumbled upon a listing for Stonehenge Golf and Country Club. I figured they needed cooks, but for old time's sake I clicked on it anyway. Part time bartender needed, call Brendan or Kim. Awesome.

I told John the New Guy that the only way they could persuade me to work there again would be to offer me $15 an hour plus a bigger tipshare and an hour a week with the bev-cart girl of my choice, but since I only have four weeks left that I'm capable of working, and basically no Saturdays since I have so many people to see when they're not working, I wouldn't get a lot of quality time in if I reneged. Christ, that was a long sentence.

My thought process is going like this: it was a shitty job, but it was an easy shitty job. It's close to home, they already know me, and at this point I need something, anything to do as long as I'm in town. If I can get 25 hours a week there, it'll be extra padding for going out west. Ugggghh I can't believe I'm seriously thinking about this.

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