Friday, October 17, 2008

First shift, move-in, second shift

My first shift at the Venice Pinkberry was pretty uneventful, lots of fruit-cutting and helpless attempts to serve customers. The cool manager who hired me is moving to a new location at the end of the week, which kinda sucks cause replacing her is the hyper-cheerful guy who ran orientation.

I had the next day off, so I got up and cleaned up the room the Vititoes were letting me use, and I packed everything into my car and headed to Culver City. Jensen was studying for some tests, and I got everything out of my car and into the room. I took a trip to Target for some essentials, and woke up early this morning since the sun shines right into my room. It'll work out well.

I did my grocery shopping a little before 10, and was relaxing a little in the apartment when I got a call from work. The shift leader was the only one working, so I drove in to help out, starting a little after noon and finishing at the end of my original shift, shortly after midnight.

From about 5 on, it was just me and my shift leader Crystal. I was taking a break since it was a slow day, when she rushed in and said "Corporate's coming." We spent the rest of the day looking busy and cleaning every visible inch in preparation for an inspector to show up and look over the place. Ten minutes before close, the guy walked in. He checked out the facilities and waited for a customer to show up so we could show him how awesome our customer service was, but it was late and nobody showed.

I'm pretty happy with the job and the apartment's doing okay. All I could ask for right now is more hours and slightly more neat roommates. First thing I did upon settling in here was doing all the dishes in the sink and buying dish towels. The kitchen's a mess, and I had to dust and vacuum the room I was moving into. Tall Brian says that Erin was mostly the messy one, but it looks like everybody's doing their part here.

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